What's New
The tea/coffee and biscuits in the Club House are supplied for the Committee Members
and Instructors only. For all other members you can purchase tea, coffee and other
drinks from the Canteen.
Instructors are entitled to a free drink while out Instructing. Just let me know your
details so I can enter the information into the accounting system.
Membership Badges
All Members should be aware that they MUST VISIBLY wear their Membership Badges
whenever they are at the Club. If you do leave your Badge at home you need to call
into the Office and get a day pass before you go to Class.
Children and Classes
Children are welcome to be on the sideline of Classes as long as they are supervised.
There have been incidences of children wandering into other Classes, so for safety
reasons please be aware of your child’s whereabouts. There should only be one
person in each Class with a dog. Juniors between the ages of 7 – 13 years, taking
dogs into Class, must be supervised by a parent or guardian.
Mats in dog boxes
When you removed your dog from the dog box please also remove any mats or equipment.
Boxes cannot be reserved while you are in Class.
Harnesses in Class
Harnesses are not to be used in Class without prior approval of either the Training
Supervisor – 1st Vice President (Training)
Executive Committee decision that dogs, which are required to wear muzzles in public,
ie Greyhounds, American Pit Bulls, be allowed to remove muzzles during Class to
enable handlers to reward. Discussion with Dogs Victoria preceded and the proposal
was endorsed by Dogs Victoria. Any of these dogs who shows signs of aggression to
either humans or canines, will be required to wear a muzzle at all times.
We have recently had a number of enquiries as to the process required following a dog
to dog or dog to person incident.
In brief, you and the other party (if possible) need to report the incident in detail
to a Member of the Committee at the earliest opportunity Some incidences are simply
recorded while others need follow-up action Either way the Committee needs to know
the details.
Please note that we need to know even if the incident occurs out of Club opening
hours. Any questions, please see a Committee Member.