Statement of Purpose
The objects of the Geelong Obedience Dog Club (Incorporated) are
- to affiliate with the Victorian Canine Association
- to promote and raise the standards and exhibition of registered pure-bred dogs, and associate registered dogs
- to promote the holding of Exhibitions under the VCA Rules and Regulations and to conduct Exhibitions and/or to promote Obedience training and to conduct Obedience Trials, Tracking Tests, and Field Trials
- to foster, promote and protect the interest of exhibitors of dogs at exhibitions
- to collect, verify and publish information relating to dogs and the breeding, exhibition and training of dogs
- to educate and encourage members, breeders and judges to abide by the requirements and standards approved by the Victorian Canine Association for the conduct of Exhibitions and Shows
- to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship amongst members and those participating in or attending at Exhibitions and Shows
- to Inform members of and make known to them the Laws and Regulations of the State relating to the ownership and care of dogs, and the responsibility of owners for the conduct and actions of their dogs
- to hold functions and lectures relating to dogs and to the purposes of the Club generally
- to provide awards and donate prizes for competition at Exhibitions and for the competition by breeders and exhibitors of dogs
- to foster relations with other Clubs and bodies having similar aims
- to promote and assist worthy causes, as agreed at a General Meeting of the members of the Club
- to invest the funds of the Club not immediately required in such a manner as the members or the Committee in lieu thereof shall determine
- to purchase, hire, lease, etc. and do such things as are conducive or incidental to promoting and achieving the purposes of the Club
- to carry on such other activities or promote or encourage interest in the breeding, upkeep and training of and the general well being and improvement of dogs
and to do all such other things as may be necessary or conducive to carrying out the objects of the Club.