With Promotion Day looming I thought it might be time to remind you of another option
for you and your dog after gaining your Class 2 certificate. You will have seen the
Agility Classes in action and maybe might feel that you and your dog would like to
join us.
Any fit, healthy dog that is under control and is sociable enough to work alongside
other dogs is welcome to join Level 1 Agility which is our Foundation Class. At this
level you will work on building confidence in your dog, building a team relationship
with your dog, work on balance and coordination skills, and learn many of the
directional skills you will need in agility. If you are interested, please come and
talk to any of the Agility Instructors who will be happy to give you any information
you need.
We are fortunate at GODC to have many Agility resources available to us through the
Club's Library. As well as the "Agility In Motion" series of DVDs, the Club also
subscribes to "Clean Run" magazine which always has something to interest and help
the Agility student.
As Instructors we are always urging Class Members to play with their dogs but very
often get told that, "My dog won't play with toys." In the May, 2009 issue of "Clean
Run" there is a very good article on rehabilitating the play-deprived dog. Find out
what you should and should not do, and how to create the desire to play. Playing with
your dog is fun for both of you, helps build the bond between you both and is a great
tool to use in Agility training.
In the same issue there is also an article on 'Socialising Your New Puppy' which is
also really worth reading.
Trish Gavaghan