Obedience Trialling
The following are the various levels you can work towards if you consider Obedience
Trialing. This aspect offers not only titles for your dog, but also the social
companionship of traveling with other Club members to Trials held at other Clubs and
venues throughout the State.
For those wishing to begin Trialing, there are a few pre requisites we suggest:
Buy an Obedience rulebook from the equipment shop.
To enter a Trial you and your dog must be members of the VCA.
When the Club holds our Obedience Trials, volunteer as a Steward (at present,
Stewards must be VCA members) which will give you a great insight into the world of
Community Companion Dog
You and your dog are judged as a team and how you work together. The CCD exercises
include heel on lead, stand for examination and both a sit and down stay and you must
achieve 50% of your marks in each exercise to achieve a pass. A passing score is 85
points out of 100. Four your CCD title you are required to achieve 3 passing scores
under at least 2 different judges for your CCD title.
This class includes the exercises as above but is all off lead which includes an off
lead recall. A pass in this class requires a score of 170 points out of 200 with a
50% pass in each exercise. For your Novice title you are required to achieve 3
passing scores under at least 2 different Judges. This will then give you your CD
(Companion Dog) title.
This level adds a new dimension to your competitive skills with the addition of
retrieving, broad jump, change of position and the out of sight stays. Passes in this
class are as for Novice which when achieved, will give you your CDX (Companion Dog
Excellent) title.
One of the highest aims of all Trialers in Obedience is to achieve a UD (Utility Dog)
title. The exercises include your dog using its excellent sense of smell in the Seek
back and Scent Discrimination exercises and his ability to work without voice command
in the Signal exercise. There is also a seven-minute Down Stay with the handler out
of sight. UDX The highest obedience class where you can achieve a UDX title.
The highest Obedience class designed for older UD titled dogs that no longer jump, and
involving more complex scent work.
Agility & Jumping Dog
If you have tried Agility at the Club you may wish to go on and try for one of three
Agility Titles. Passes are gained by having a clear round of the course within a
certain timeframe, designated by a Judge at an Agility Trial. The requirement of
VCA membership is the same as in Obedience.
Tracking, Field Trialing and Endurance
Although the Club does not currently offer these disciplines, they are competitive
areas you may, at some time, wish to consider.