Annual General Meeting Minutes 6th October 2009

Meeting opened 8pm

Apologies: H. Read, C. Sparks, L. O’Brien
Accepted: K. Stones seconded: W. Ganly

Minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting as distributed in the Newsletter in 2008, taken as read.

Accepted:L. Kelleher Seconded: S. Hellebrand

Business arising from the Minutes:

T. Button moved ‘that F Valastro be accepted as Returning Officer’.

Seconded - J. Ball

Auditors Report

H. Cook read Auditor’s Report and report on the Financial Statements. Several members queried that report regarding shop stock; and what defined ‘low cost assets’. H. Cook will clarify this matter and report the Members.

B. Elliott moved ‘that the Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements be accepted’. Seconded - K. Stones


Presidents report - Written Report

K. Stone moved ‘that the Presidents report’ be accepted

seconded: S Malady
Secretary’s report - Written Report

Other Reports

Canteen Manager - Written Report

Grounds Manager - Written Report

Trial Secretary - Not currently filled.

Training Supervisor - Written report.

Equipment Shop Manager - Written report.

Raffle Reports

President reported that approximately $400. 00 had been raised. $300.00 of which was allocated to the purchase of new books and DVD’S for our library. Last one has just arrived from America.

L. Wills moved ‘that the Reports as presented be accepted’

Seconded: S. Hellebrand.

Life Membership

This year there were five nominations and after voting we wish to award K. Ciezarek with a Life Membership.

J. Ball declared all positions vacant and F. Valastro, the Returning Officer, took the chair. F. Valastro said that although the Notice of Motion as posted on the noticeboard was within the 21 day time period, the wording was incorrect. There is a ‘Committee of Management’ that runs the club. Therefore, he could not accept the motion on that basis.

As the two scrutineers previously approached did not show up, B. Elliott and D. Dickeson took on the roles.


Nominations for President J. Ball Duly elected
Nominations for Vice Presidents
1st Vice President S. Malady Duly elected
2nd Vice President
L. Blackwell.  L. Wills was nominated by S. Hellebrand.
Seconded: S. Malady. Voting followed and L. Wills.
Lyn Wills Duly elected
Nominations for Secretary
K. Millard was nominated by K. Stones.  Seconded - S. Malady.
P. Convery was nominated by L. Kelleher. Seconded: J. Brophy.
K. Millard Duly elected
Nominations for Treasurer H. Cook Duly elected
Nominations for Trial Secretary/Ass. Secretary T. Button Duly elected
General Committee - three nominations received V. Douglas Duly elected
A. Shackleton Duly elected
T. Rain Duly elected
A late nomination for General Committee was received from M. Elliott
who nominated L. Blackwell. Seconded:  C. Humphreys
L. Blackwell Duly elected

Non-Committee nominations
Librarian R. Youll Duly elected
Assistant Librarian S. Eldridge Duly elected
Newsletter Editor P. Convery Duly elected
Training Supervisor T. Button Duly elected
Ass. Training Supervisor – 2 required
V. Douglas nominated by K. Ciezarek.  Seconded: S. Malady. K. Ciezarek Duly elected
Web Master B Jagtenberg Duly elected
Membership Officer C.Jagtenberg Duly elected
Minutes Officer Vacant

F. Valastro thanked the Members for their attendance and said the Club was on shaky ground and personal animosities should be set aside and everyone pull together.

J. Ball thanked the Returning Officer and the two scrutineers for their contribution.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 8.57pm.