Annual General Meeting Minutes 4th October 2011

Meeting opened 8.05pm

Apologies: T Gavaghan, R. Kearney, R Youl, B Youl
Accepted: L Kelleher Seconded: A Shackleton Carried

AGM Minutes read on distribution after the AGM.

Business arising from the Minutes:


Correspondence: In and Out


Treasurer Report

As attached

Moved: M. Brown Seconded: J. Taylor

Canteen Manager Report


Hall Manager Report


Moved: L. Kelleher Seconded: K. Taylor Carried

J. Ball presented the returning officer Lyn Klecca

Moved: J. Convey Seconded: P. Convey

L. Klecca called for scrutineers K Taylor volunteered.

Moved: K. Millard Sec: J. Taylor

Amendments: To be made to the constitution

First section: All in favour

Amendments: clause 2

Moved that the change be made

Moved: K. Taylor Seconded: B. Jagtenberg Carried

Amendment 15-14 15-5 in regards to forum to the general meeting

To be reduced from 20 to 15

Corium be changed to 12

Moved: B. Convey Seconded: A. Shackleton Carried

Section 5 32(3) change banking from writing cheque for the amounts above $20 to $50

Moved: K Taylor Sec: P. Convey

8 (b) Change 20 to 15 financial members bylaws to be change at to 15.5

Moved: P Convey Seconded: M. Brown Carried

As advised by a solicitor the current committee will finalize the constitution changes.

All life members on the board have been approved by committee member.

Life members awarded: S. Malady K. Millard.

Nominations for President
J. Sheilds, L. Kelleher L. Kelleher Duly elected
Nominations for Vice Presidents
1st Vice President (Training) C. Humphrey Duly elected
2nd Vice President (Admin) S Eldridge Duly elected
Nominations for Secretary P. Convey Duly elected
Nominations for Treasurer Vacant  
Nominations for Trial Secretary/Ass. Secretary J. Convey Duly elected
General Committee - three nominations received A. Shackleton Duly elected
  R. Kearney Duly elected
  K. Taylor Duly elected
Nomination for 3 vacant positions
Nominated by P. Convey V. Douglas Duly elected
Nominated by J. Kelleher J. Taylor Duly elected
Nominated by A. Shackleton M. Brown Duly elected
Nomination of 6 committee members completed
As there were no other nominations these nominees are dually elected by returning officer
Non-Committee nominations
Librarian R. Youll Duly elected
Assistant Librarian S. Eldridge Duly elected
Newsletter Editor
Nomination by H. Cook P. Convey Duly elected
Training Supervisor
Nomination by D. Dickeson Seconded: C. Humphreys J. Shield Duly elected
Ass. Training Supervisor 2 required Vacant Vacant
Web Master B Jagtenberg Duly elected
Membership Officer C.Jagtenberg Duly elected
Minutes Officer Vacant  

K. Taylor going to help with the canteen.

Meeting closed 9.10pm