Trial Secretary
Duties of the Trial Secretary:
Arrange Judges and VCA Representatives for each Trial well in advance, preferable contract both for the entire year in early October. Contracts to be sent and record kept of acceptances and refusals.
Draft Schedule, Judges white contracts and cheque to be sent to the VCA in time for Schedule to make the Gazette, e.g. July Trial, if the closing date is in July, schedule is advertised in June, closing date for the Gazette is 1 February.
Keep record of ribbons, sashes and all stationery required for Trials.
Order Trophies, ribbons, sashes as required for each Trial. (Sashes have braid, ribbons don't)
Discuss working bee dates with Grounds Manager. Arrange announcements or handouts to Members notifying them of dates.
Arrange for Stewards list to go out early, approximately 15 - 20 Stewards required depending on size and type of Trial. Let Members know via announcement sheet or handout Stewards are needed.
As entries arrive, list entries for catalogue (multiple entries list separate), Geelong Members list for Newsletter and Club awards, representation of breeds (if used). List specialty sashes.
After closing date, set out catalogue and number of rings required. Discuss ring layout with Grounds Manager.
Write up entry fees and hand to Treasurer. Arrange Judges Fees.
Print catalogue, write catalogue numbers and envelopes, write up ring sheets, set up Judge’s folders, allocate Stewards to rings.
Cancel or contract Judges as per entry numbers.
Arrange workers for the Office to leave yourself free on the day if possible.
Greet judges and introduce Stewards to their respective Judge.
Make sure UD stewards have food refusal dishes for the ring and other Stewards have pens, etc.
Generally oversee the running of the Trial.
Assist with the presentations, help with clean up.
Make sure you have a correctly marked catalogue for the VCA. Must be sent, with the surcharge cheque and completed form within 10 days of the Trial.
Prepare list of Geelong Member’s results for the next available Newsletter.
Order relevant Club trophies for winning Geelong Members for presentation on the first training day after the Trial.
Arrange engraving of relevant Club perpetual trophies within one (1) month of the Trial.